Saturday, January 29, 2011

CSE 694

Just wanted to say thank you to all of you that helped me out along the way.  While I rarely commented, I read a lot of interesting things and I saw a lot more.  I loved being able to look at the different blogs within the class and use them as a preview of what I might be able to create myself.

Thanks all!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

What I have learned about blogging

In all of the craziness of my life I have learned that blogging is much more time consuming that I had realized.  The time commitment needed for blogging is probably considerably more than my initial expectation and I would likely need some sort of professional development in order to truly master it.  I have been able to use many of the features with relative ease but there is still much to learn.

By looking at the research I found that there are teachers out there that are using blogs in the classroom to make classes, including science more interesting. I love the idea but I don’t know how practical it is for me being that I currently have around 200 students.  I actually hadn’t thought about the sheer volume until a few of my classmates brought it up.

Al in all I feel like I have learned a lot about the work and effort needed to keep a blog running and relevant.  The tools and gadgets are great but it is the blogger…me in this case…that is the key to success in blogging.

Promoting my Blog:

After having read several ideas on blogging and promoting my blog I came up with some things that I think are good for me and for my classroom.  I think that adding information to the syllabus is important in order to inform students of the benefits of the blog.  I like the idea of using the social networking sites as a tool for promotion.  I know my students are all on them and it would be very easy to have them add the blog as a favorite site for following.  I also think that keeping the blog updated with new information is important.  Keeping the blog relevant is crucial if you want students to continue looking at it.  I agree with many of the other students that I would not want to promote my blog beyond the classroom so I would limit it to that audience.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Article Review: Blogging in science

The article I read outlined the importance of differentiating instruction for students in science by using blogs that include podcasts and discussion forums.  According to the article, “Blogs expand instructional time by providing teachers with a user-friendly online format to reinforce strategies, introduce new topics and concepts, review important class points, review for tests, and provide enrichment.”(p. 61).  I addition to enriching the educational experience by differentiating instruction, blogs allow for a new way to get materials.  Teachers can upload lessons, notes and videos, as well as create video casts of lessons for students to access.  This allows teachers to take advantage of what the article refers to as the “iTunes Phenomena” by extending class time into the students home life in an interesting way.  I see blogging and discussion boards as a great substitution for traditional homework. However, it isn’t as simple as wanting to throw something together and just doing it.  Teachers need training to learn how to integrate valuable technological resources into the curriculum.

Great Points:
Blogs can extend class time
Access can be gained by most students
Blogs can be used to issue traditional classroom work
Teachers need training and time

Colombo, M. W., Colombo, P. D. (sept. 2007), Blogging to improve instruction in differentiated science classrooms. Phi Delta Kappan, 89(1), 60-63

Hmmm? I feel a little, slow right now!  I don't know what I am doing and I need help!  What are the assignments for this class supposed to look like. Right now I feel like the assignments link, the schedule link and the syllabus all say different things. I have a really hard time without very detailed instructions so if someone can help me out I would really appreciate it.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


When I think of who I am and what defines me as a person I have to look at my two lives.  I have a work life and a home life that are generally separate from each other...thankfully.  Every once in a while the two lives collide and I have to balance work and home but in general work is work and home is home.  This all started about 15 months ago when my son Connor was born.  At home I am Dada...the most fulfilling thing I have ever been, and I am a also husband...a very close second to Dada. I love spending time just hanging out with my wife, watching our little boy grow at what can only be described as an astonishing rate!  I have one major, non-family related obsession I live with in my home life...the Oregon Ducks!  It seems innocent enough but most people probably don't really understand the extent of the problem.

Life number two is school I am Mr. White!  This is my fifth year as a teacher 4 at Tualatin High School and my first at Woodburn.  I currently teach Physical Science, Chemistry, and Forensics, but have also taught Biology and Physics in the past.  I am also a member of our contract negotiation action team as we continue working towards a contract settlement.  I love my job but have a lot of concerns about the state of education and the increased pressure placed on students and teachers by politicians with little or no educational experience or background.  I am taking this class as a piece of my MS in Information Technology as well as to ind new relevant ways of teaching.